Aesthetic Models World Recruitment takes a stand against fake injectors!


For Aesthetic Models World Recruitment, aesthetic medicine is not a game! Giving in to the temptation of fake injectors is not a good idea,  so what exactly does it entail?

First of all, fake injectors are non-doctors who offer their services for cosmetic procedures such as injections. They don’t have the appropriate training, they don’t know facial anatomy and they don’t have the necessary hygiene skills. We’ll leave you to imagine the damage this can cause…Yet their Instagrams, filled with before-and-after shots, accumulate thousands of followers, usually bought, in order to make the future patient believe in the performance of this “injector”.

Would you like to benefit from free aesthetic medicine treatments for your face or body or be a demonstrator for aesthetic medicine devices?

Our Aesthetic Models World Recruitment agency offers a service for all healthcare professionals in the aesthetic medicine sector in France, Europe and internationally, by placing patients face-to-face with real aesthetic medicine doctors.

It is important to understand the essential points to look for before undergoing any cosmetic treatment.

  • Stakeholder legitimacy

Not everyone can call themselves an aesthetic doctor and perform Botox or hyaluronic acid injections.

As a reminder, a doctor studies for 9 years, a dermatologist for 10 years and a plastic surgeon for 13 years. In addition, there is the university diploma in aesthetic medicine, as well as training courses. So it doesn’t take a week to become an injection physician.

  • Asepsis conditions not respected

Hygiene is essential to prevent infection and complications.

As far as technique is concerned, poor technique can be the source of complications.

  • The prices

One of the other aspects that should alert you to the legitimacy of the professional is the price. There’s no such thing as a 50-euro hyaluronic acid injection! If prices are in the region of 300/400 euros, it’s because the product injected is of good quality and therefore expensive. At the same time, there is the medical equipment used, the premises, the professionals, the medical follow-up…

hOW aesthetic models world recruitment IS TAKING A STAND AGAINST FAKE INJECTORS?

As a major player in the medical training sector, our agency actively contributes to the quality of training events by offering healthcare professionals candidates wishing to be models for demonstrations of various medical techniques, such as hyaluronic acid injection techniques.

These training courses are run by referral physicians, and are intended exclusively for doctors. All the products used during the workshops are certified and have received marketing authorization.

So if the plastic and aesthetic surgeons’ union is warning against illegal injections of dermal fillers, a phenomenon amplified by social networks, you know that this practice falls under the heading of illegal practice of medicine, an offence provided for in article L.4161-1 of the French Public Health Code and punishable by two years imprisonment and a fine of 30,000 euros.

Would you like to participate in an aesthetic medicine workshop as a model? Our agency is here to give you the opportunity in front of a real doctor.

To find out more about our services for professionals, discover our agency specialized in health and beauty Karma Medical & Beauty