AMWC America Conference: Innovation and Education in Aging Medicine


AMWC America, the World Congress on Anti-Aging Medicine, is an essential pillar in the field of ageing prevention. This renowned event, bringing together world-renowned experts, researchers and practitioners in anti-ageing medicine, aims to share the latest scientific advances and innovative new methods. AMWC America offers healthcare professionals the opportunity to explore emerging trends and modern technologies to improve knowledge and practice. ageing while caring for your skin and your health,.

The Impact of International Congresses on Aesthetic Models

Taking part in these international congresses gives the teams from our communications agency dedicated to health and beauty, karma médical beauty, the opportunity to meet our international partners and get a feel for developments. This is an exceptional opportunity for a 360° communications agency dedicated to health and beauty and aesthetic medicine to understand the development of anti-ageing medicine on a global scale and to contribute to its democratisation through educational and ethical communication concepts. Staying one step ahead, keeping abreast of trends and developments to promote the science of ageing and the aesthetic medicine of tomorrow.

Some great encounters at the conference!

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