Did you know that one of the secrets to maintaining beautiful skin is to respect your biological clock?


Should we respect the skin's natural rhythms to reconcile with it?

Before embarking on cosmetics or other medical treatments, it’s important to know that the skin is influenced by both internal factors – illnesses, functional disorders – and external factors such as sleep patterns.

All these factors play a part in the cell regeneration process, up to and including the way the skin reacts.

Can other factors, such as our diet, disrupt or promote this skin cycle?

The most deleterious thing for the skin is a disordered diet, not taken at regular times, which can upset the internal rhythm.

The chronobiology of food is interesting in this respect. It allows us to regain our basic rhythm, the one we would have if we were in natural conditions without the constraints of everyday life. A healthy diet taken at regular times could therefore have a positive influence on how the skin – and our bodies – react at night.

Be aware that the application of a new skin care product – like the change of season – disrupts the balance of the epidermis. So using skincare products adapted to heat or cold seems like a no-brainer. What we are less aware of is that the skin suffers particularly when temperature and humidity variations are not straightforward, so take advantage of this season to give it all the energy it needs!

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