Introduction to regenerative aesthetics and medicine


Regenerative medicine

While patients accept aging and the positive aspects of the different stages of life, it’s hard to like the physiological and aesthetic changes that make you feel less “alive” and look like a “tired” version of yourself!


Fortunately, advances in “regenerative medicine” now enable doctors to turn back time a little, repairing, restoring and regenerating tissue – and these exciting developments are also a natural evolution in aesthetic treatments.


When threatened by illness or injury, the body automatically reacts by seeking to repair damaged tissue at the cellular level.

Such is our cellular intelligence: stem cells read the environment and decide whether action is necessary, and in the case of youth, our army of cells is very efficient at moving up a gear.


However, with age, your cellular communication deteriorates and regeneration slows down. This is where developments in regenerative medicine come in, to reinvigorate diseased cells.


Regenerative medicine is a branch of medical science that focuses on the repair, replacement or regeneration of damaged or diseased tissues and organs.


It uses techniques such as stem cell therapy, tissue engineering and gene therapy to stimulate the body’s natural healing processes and promote tissue growth, offering hope for a wide range of pathologies, from organ damage to degenerative diseases.


Regenerative medicine is an established medical field, with millions of treatments having been carried out over the decades, from stem cells regenerating heart tissue to helping COVID-19 patients recover.


The regenerative treatment approach aims to replace or regenerate cells damaged by disease, trauma, environmental or lifestyle factors.

Regenerative Aesthetics

Regenerative aesthetics is an offshoot of regenerative medicine and also seeks to harness and enhance your body’s innate system for natural repair and healing, for example in the case of facial aging.

Intrinsic aging has harmful consequences for the body, as cells weaken their ability to automatically restore altered tissue, and regenerative treatments offer natural interventions that stimulate cell-to-cell communication to trigger rejuvenation and repair.

Around age 35, the effects of aging start to become more pronounced, starting with skin changes.

From the age of thirty onwards, the skin begins to lose its integrity and the structure of the face changes:

  • Decrease in collagen, fibrin and hyaluronic acid
  • Changes in subcutaneous fat and deeper fat reserves
  • Bone regression

This leads to :

  • Loss of overlying skin support
  • Volumetric changes
  • Back up and pull the muscles

Thanks to the power of cellular intelligence, we can actually rejuvenate the intracellular matrix, triggering regeneration of affected tissues and bringing back more structure and youthfulness to the face.

Volume changes can be improved, tissue position can be improved, sagging, radiance and skin quality can be restored.

As always, your physiology, medical history, skin condition, genetics and lifestyle will dictate which treatments, if any, are right for you.

Often, a combined approach is beneficial for patients, with one or more regenerative aesthetic treatments complemented by other biostimulating treatments such as microneedling…

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