Do you dream of beautifying your mouth? Discover the latest techniques at our workshops



Until recently, a mouth corrected by aesthetic medicine was rarely the stuff of envy…

What if techniques had been refined to offer reliable, discreet solutions? The aesthetic medicine experts at  MEDICAL CASTING AGENCY will prove it!

First of all, let’s talk about the aging process. Thinning lips with age can give a pinched, sad look that no longer suits us.

Injecting hyaluronic acid can then restore volume and redensify the lips while providing hydration: to maintain a natural result, the aesthetic doctor will inject little product to respect the delicate anatomy of the perioral region.

It’s important to know that this area can be painful, which is why the hyaluronic acid gels from our partner laboratories in our aesthetic medicine training courses will benefit from a gel containing a local anesthetic.

With the help of a cannula, the aesthetic trainer will be able to minimize pain, unlike a needle injection.

The advantage of having your skin injected during an aesthetic medicine training workshop is that the procedure does not entail any social eviction, sometimes a little transient swelling, but one thing’s for sure: you can go back to your normal activities!

The contour of the mouth often needs to be redefined: the aesthetic doctor will inject a small quantity of fluid hyaluronic acid into the hemline.

For women who smoke, this treatment can be preventive by slowing down the appearance of fine lines on the upper lip (“bar code”) due to the repeated contraction of the mouth and the harmfulness of the products contained in tobacco.

These famous barcode wrinkles are tricky to deal with.

Several techniques are available: when wrinkles are not very pronounced, the injection of a liquid hyaluronic acid to smooth them out may suffice; if the skin is very marked by the sun and/or smoking, the doctor who teaches the workshops will use slightly more abrasive treatments such as laser or peelings.

With time, the corners of the mouth sag, the folds set in (bitterness folds) and give the face a bitter and sad look underlying a negative impression.

An injection of hyaluronic acid in the perioral area will fill this depression and give the face a more positive expression.

In any case, let’s avoid excessiveness so as not to obtain a too much mouth!

Would you like to benefit from aesthetic medical treatments for your face or be a demonstrator for aesthetic medical devices? Register now!