Why not take advantage of spring to take care of your skin, rehydrate it, repair it and strengthen it to prevent future damage from long exposure to the sun, wind and sea salt? 

Discover the benefits of mesotherapy.

Do you apply a vitamin complex moisturising cream every morning ? Do you take food supplements composed of trace elements and minerals ?

Ideally, the next step would be injecting these components directly into your face. This approach is part of a “slow life” approach. Its goal is to find a solution to “age well”.

Mesotherapy will revitalize your skin, providing it with all the elements it needs to fight against aging.
The skin undergoes multiple internal and especially external aggressions, such as the sun, the wind, and the cold causing the formation of free radicals.
Cosmetics have a superficial action are not able to penetrate the deep layers of the skin, which in turn lose their vital elements, such as collagen or hyaluronic acid. As a result, this deep damage reverberates outwards…
The idea of Mesotherapy is to revitalize and nourish your skin using a mixture of vitamins, combined with fluid hyaluronic acid to stimulate the skin and rehydrate it durably.

Using a fine needle, a revitalizing cocktail of vitamins, minerals, trace elements and hyaluronic acid is injected into the surface layers of the skin in small quantities.
There is no age to start, because mesolift , regenerates, revitalizes and rejuvenates the cells at the heart of the skin.
The results are perceptible after the first session with a “burst of radiance”, but it will take an average of 5 sessions to obtain a radiant, firm, deeply revitalized skin that is protected from free radicals